Pricing & Packages

Goals of Patient Advocacy

The primary goal of a patient advocate is to educate and guide.  We provide research and information, and help to coach and guide you through the challenges of the healthcare system.   An advocate will provide as little or as much of the services needed to meet your personal requirements.  That may require only 2 or 3 hours, or it may require services that extend over weeks or months, depending on your situation.  Ultimately, it is my goal to help you become your own advocate, to make informed choices, and to feel empowered to manage your own health wisely.

Let's Talk

30 minutes – No charge

Preliminary Phone or Videoconference Introduction. A chance to briefly discuss your situation, the reason(s) you are interested in advocacy, and to ask any questions you may have about patient advocacy.

Hourly Advocacy Rate

$95 / hour

A retainer/down payment for services is required.
A signed service agreement must be in place prior to any services being provided.

North Star Patient Advocacy San Dimas California

Organizational Package


This meeting is strictly for organizational purposes and not educational purposes or advocacy planning.  All your medications and supplements will be reviewed and reconciled.  A medication list will be generated that can be shared with all your current and future providers.  We will compile all available medical records, including diagnostic test results, and will provide you with a written summary and timeline to share with your healthcare team.  When you have multiple healthcare providers, they often do not communicate with each other.  These documents can not only save you time and money, they are invaluable in helping to protect against future errors.  Both the medication list and timeline can be updated as needed.
Patient advocacy services are not currently covered by insurance.
Payment is required prior to services being rendered. Unused amounts will be refunded.